Rigyác: Pure nature. Wince cellar nearby Nagykanizsa. CM23065
26 m²1.683 m²554.840 RUB

Rigyác: Pure nature. Wince cellar nearby Nagykanizsa.

The wine cellar is located in an absolutely quiet location, approx. 15 km from the town of Nagykanizsa. Pure nature. Gravel road in good condition leads to the property, which is easily accessible by car all year round. The neighboring cellars are at a corresponding distance, so that the location conveys a private feeling. Gentle hillside location, but still offers a beautiful view of the hilly surroundings.

There are several fruit trees and a small piece of forest on 1683 m². Well maintained.

The building is a solid brick house with a total usable area of 41 m². A room (21m²), a 5 m² terrace and a cellar. The building is without comfort, but after adaptation it can become the basement of your dream.

  • 26 m² Living space
  • 1.683 m² Plot size
  • Single stoves
  • Cellar
Calculation of additional costs:
Purchase price: 554.840 RUB
Land Tax: 22.194 RUB
Certified statement of the land register:1 2.522 RUB
Registration fee land register: 1.665 RUB
Certified translation:1 21.611 RUB
Service fee Casa Mia:1 127.125 RUB
Costs of contract (lawyer):1 87.716 RUB
Total: 823.507 RUB
This calculation is based on an exchange rate of 396,90 HUF = 1,00 EUR =100,10 RUB.
1 incl. VAT.

Village Info Rigyác

Website of the municipality (only Hungarian)

Small settlement in the west of Nagykanizsa near the border to Slovenia. Easy to reach via motorway M7.